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When the Game Stands Tall
Wooten's Whirled History by Adventures in Odyssey
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From Our Writers
Patheos on TIME
Christianity Can't Replace My Zoloft
by Brandan Robertson
For far too long, Evangelicals have preached a Gospel that says you'll find peace, health, and happiness if you follow Jesus. But this simply isn't true.
7 Questions to Ask before Asking, "Why Aren't Muslims Condemning ISIS and Terrorism?"
by Hind Makki
Muslims are speaking out against ISIS and terrorists. Loudly. But they're not reported on, because it's simply not sexy enough to make the news.
Formerly Fundie
Why We're Still Unwilling to Admit to Systemic Racism in America
by Benjamin Corey
Why is it so difficult for us to admit humbly that, yes, American culture still exhibits profound, systemic racism?
Progressive Secular Humanist Examiner
Holy War: Religious Leaders Call for U.S. to Destroy Islamic State
by Michael Stone
A coalition of more than 50 leaders—led by mostly conservative Catholic, Evangelical and Jewish activists—have called on President Obama to destroy ISIS's control of Iraq.
Sermons from the Mound
Why the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Are Vital to All of Us
by Yvonne Aburrow
When they are ripped out of their environment, lifeways, and culture, people do not flourish. Look at the problems experienced by First Nations people in North America.
Fail by JR Briggs
Patheos Public Square: Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Women in Buddhism
Patheos Public Square
Expanding Leadership Opportunities for Buddhist Women—Which Way Forward?
While immigrant Buddhist communities often retain their traditions of male leadership—as priests, monks, and dharma instructors—many contemporary Buddhist centers are exploring new ways to integrate women into leadership roles.
The Next Step in Buddhist Equality Will Be More Challenging
"While the obvious institutional and doctrinal barriers to full gender equality have largely been removed, Western Buddhist groups are still profoundly influenced by the patriarchal culture in which they are embedded." James Coleman, Author and Professor
Like a Mother and Her Only Child: Gender and Inclusivity
"If this symposium were a tree, I'd like to move the topic forward by branching out along a different direction from the historical, or at least one that embraces the historical dimension so as to touch the ultimate." Gary Gach, Author, Panelist, and Keynote Speaker

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